Hi Laura,
Thanks for setting this up. I love the idea of networking with you and others. Is Jenn an SDA conference alum also?
Your piece is intriguing. I would love to view a detail of it. Is it mixed media or a collection of all embroidered pieces? Impressive. I also love the scale and posture.
I'm interested in learning about how other artists work. Do you set out with a concept/plan in mind? Do you allow it to develop on its own as you work? I'm assuming these pieces are time intensive and meditative... is that true?
My work is that way and I often ponder the question of balance. Do my pieces require too much time? Or does it matter..
Here's one of the 'in progress' time sinks I'm talking about.. A large MUM or flower or organic growth from the accumulation of plastic bags from the delivery of daily newspapers that have been cut, spun and crocheted into tiers of the flower petals. It is currently 3.5 ft wide and 1 ft deep.. the plan is to reach at least 6 ft in diameter.
Interested in your feedback.
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