I thought I would share the question and my response along with images of the artwork.
Nisha: Remember when you did that exquisite installation in Montclair that went from inside, flowed outside and onto the ground? How did you prevent it from blowing away? How long was it installed?
Dear Friend, It was attached to the metal framing of the Windows by a metal bars that are used in fencing, I had holes drilled into the metal bars, then the school had a guy come out and install the bars with the fabric onto the metal portion of the Windows with self tapping screws, using only two screws per panel. The fabric was attached to the bar by stitching a simple sleeve into the top of the fabric. Then I pulled the fabric taut by using metal bars on the ground with two tent stakes. The metal bar would lay across the surface of the fabric holding the fabric taut, and the tent stakes would be at either end of the metal bar keeping it flush with the ground. The nice thing about that system is if the wind picked up the fabric would loosen and not rip. The rest of the fabric was just laid along the ground and sculpture Garden. In hindsight I wish I had mounted more of it permanently to the ground. So much of it got blown away. I would go back periodically and rearrange it. It was supposed to be installed only for month. But because of a 16 inch snowstorm it was left up for six months. It actually did rather well and stood up to 60 mph winds. Hope that explains the process. :-)